There are links to full and complete role descriptions here, but these include bullet points to cover every eventuality of every UK Scout Group, District or County.
The basic role responsibilities in practice for 16th Westbourne are summarised below:
Group Chair
The Group Chair is nominated by, and works closely with the Group Scout Leader. The role of Chair is as follows:
- Organise and chair committee meetings
- Work with other exec members to improve group resources and fabric of the building
- Ensures compliance with the Scouts rules
- File AGM minutes and finance figures with the Charities Commission
Group Treasurer
Group Secretary
The Group Secretary produces meeting minutes and ensures good communication within the executive committee.
Fundraising Secretary
The Fundraising Secretary organises activities and initiatives to raise funds for the group. This could be supermarket bag packing, parent event nights or applying for grants or lottery funding.
Quartermaster (QM)
Please contact Chris to discuss how you'd like to get involved with the Trustee Board.
There is an application form linked on the right of this page. Please download the form, edit it and email the completed form to chris.
Chris will arrange for your application to be kicked-off. Chris will organise a time to meet you to go through a DBS check too - This should only take 15-25mins, and you will need three forms for ID, include photo ID, address and another form - E.g. Driving licence, passport and bank/utility statement header.
To support you in your Trustee role, there is some introductory learning to do. It can be completed online and is split into five topics, usually taking about 30mins each. You can do all five topics at once, or do them one at a time.
It's a good idea to get started as soon as you can, as this will help with your understanding of Scouting, our values and key policies, and your role as a trustee.
There are links to the training courses on the right of this page.
Information regarding AGMs are shown in the following links:
Base Agenda
- Welcome
- Approval of minutes of last AGM
- Section Reports:
- Beavers
- Cubs
- Scouts
- Group Scout Leaders Report
- Treasurers Report & Accounts
- Agree a quorum number - No of exec members to make group decisions
- Election of officers
- Treasurer
- Chair
- Secretary
- Fundraising Secretary
- Any questions + Any other business